The Life We Never Expected
Hopeful Reflections on the Challenges of Parenting Children with Special Needs
Written By Andrew and Rachel Wilson
Book Overview:
My Thoughts:
I enjoy reading books! I really enjoy reading books that give me a different perspective on the struggles that others may live with. These could be the struggles of the person or the struggles of those who care for them. While the difficulty faced may feel different, each is being affected by one main conflict. Seldom do we ever want any kind of prolonged difficulty in our life or the life of those we love, yet that remains out of our control and in the hands of the Almighty. This book is written by parents who had a vision in their minds eye that turned out to be very different than what God had planned. They are parents of two children with autism. The layout of the book made it very easy to read a long, to pick up and read even if you only had a few minutes of time to do so. I finished the book in 2 days...I was hooked! The book is separated into five cycles and each cycle has five subheadings: Weeping, Worshiping, Waiting, Witnessing, And Breathe. Some of the wisdom shared among these pages could be applied to more than just raising children with special needs. One quote that I decided to write down in my little note book for future encouragement, " If what you think you have is greater than what you think you deserve, then that's where thankfulness comes from. If what you think you deserve is greater than what you think you have, then that's where bitterness comes from." I really enjoyed the section titled, "The Unresolved Why," it talked about the unanswered why's that we have when we endure suffering or hardship. I can't tell you how many times I have wondered why something is or isn't happening. In the end why it happened, or didn't happen is of little importance. Knowing why doesn't always change the feelings surrounding the struggle. I like the way Andrew said that we may never know what the answer is to that question but we can always know what isn't, it isn't because God doesn't care or doesn't love us or is distant. I will conclude this review with one more of my favorite quotes from the book, "So if you're mired in despair at the moment, wondering how you're going to get through the week, let alone the year, it's worth bearing in mind that, in all probability, it won't always be like this. The old dreams die, but new ones form. The clouds close in, but the sun finds a way, eventually, of breaking through." I highly recommend this book!
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