Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Blessings of Unity

The Blessings of Unity
Written By: Richard T. Case

God's Best for Our Marriages

Book Overview:

Many movements in today's society have combined to create an atmosphere that at best teaches married couples very little about how to find happiness together, and at worst threatens to destroy the sanctity with which God intends his children to approach that union. Self-centeredness and misinformation have led many away from walking in the Spirit and loving their spouses in Christlike ways, disqualifying them from the blessings that God has in store for his unified children. The Blessings of Unity offers insight and ideas for creating godly unity in our marriages centered around two key concepts:
    1) Abiding in the Vine and walking in the Spirit, and
    2) Learning and applying the concept of unity.
Unity is achieved when a man and woman strive for agreement with God by processing His Will on every decision and in every issue. Through Biblically-centered discussions of discord, division, unity, discipleship, and prayer, and through exploring Biblical examples of unity, Richard Case offers husbands and wives practical and spiritual advice for working together in unity in the Spirit so that they can more perfectly present themselves to God for his divine approval.

My Thoughts:

I enjoyed reading through this book.  One thing that I enjoyed about it was the amount of scripture that it included. I also enjoyed the fact that it is written by a man but yet it didn't take on that perspective. It was broken down by content.  This would be a great book for a husband and wife to work through together, but would be perfect to work on individually as well.  It starts with an evaluation for the husband and wife.  Some chapters define what should be, by assessing what the opposite would be.  For instance, " understand God's vision of unity we must first look at it's opposite, division and discord." This was a great in depth look at unity. He covered everything from the keys to unity to how to handle disagreements to praying through unity and finally biblical examples of unity.  It was a good read, chock-full of scripture. I would recommend this book.

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC's 16 CFR, Part 255: " Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising"): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this book.  These opinions are 100% my own and not influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. "

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