Sunday, November 8, 2009


Friday, I walked to the mailbox to get the mail and was a bit curious as to why I was receiving a rather large envelop from Florida State College (Formerly known as Florida Community College). I opened it up to find that my professor has recommended me to receive an honorary only student recognition award. I was recommended because of my outstanding academic efforts in psychology so far this term. So my photo and a brief bio will be posted on the Virtual College's Online Student Recognition Award web page. I was totally not expecting this. It feels good to be noticed for doing good, to be recognized when you go above and beyond. This was a great way to start the weekend! Granted I was a bit upset because my class average fell from a 99.5% to a 99.3% because my last quiz included one of those 'what is a synonym for ___' questions - and synonyms and I do NOT get along well with each other!

Here is the letter and award that I recieved in the mail, I will be updating with the webpage as soon as I can:

1 comment:

dmauton said...

That's so awesome. Congratulations.